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drops informative leaflets over Afghanistan Celebrities announce sham engagement Evil
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Fail Ard Fheis Report Speaking to the gathered party members from a podium adorned with snakes, many comely maidens in various beaten-metal bikinis and donning the traditional Fianna Fail high-priest garb of cape and staff, he informed the party, and the nation, that "Ireland is a vibrant, new place. We in Fianna Fail will continue to support this, to make Ireland thrive, to make it great…thus sayeth the book of Omicron." Dazzling
the assembled media with the passion and direction of his speech Ahern
promised that he would "not seek vengeance for the untimely death of the
seven lords of Nathos, but would foster peace through a bipartisan approach
to committee building." Mr Zeevi, a hardline right-winger infamous for his anti-Palestinian views, was shot dead by gunmen as he rested in his hotel room in Jerusalem. "Zeevi was a nasty piece of work, but that didn't mean he deserved to be murdered", commented Peres. "We need to build towards a society where reactionary loons like him can express their misguided views in safety, without the threat of a fatal rejoinder of the type that silenced him so abruptly last Wednesday". Everyone
in NI to be employed in home furnishing industry by 2004 - study "Tes a great boost," he said "Yay see there is a gude saide tay all the farbamans and the dread people in the praavance feel when they even thank a gayan ayt at night. It makes em bay more farnature and floor-cavaran." A spokesman for the Real Real No Really the Real IRA (RRNRIRA) also welcomed the findings saying "At least nay wa'll know whare ta faind eavrybady and we can reast ashared that nainty-nain taims out av a handread thay'll be in ther sattn room when we shoot through the wanda." |