Government pledges unaffordable housing

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Govt pledge: 80% of housing classed 'unaffordable' by 2005

Recent flooding may prove a blessing in disguise for Dublin's legions of beleaguered would-be homeowners.

During the floods the value of thousands of stinking, badly drained, unsafe, sub-par houses plummeted, as did the value of many houses affected by flooding. However, there was further good news for Dublin's working poor in the shape of Noel Dempsey's even bigger mouth which last year generously decreed that at least 80% of new housing must be 'anti-social and unaffordable'.Said one delighted punter: "I used to not think that I couldn't own my own home but now I know that I can't."

But who will qualify for these special houses, and couldn't the new unaffordability not clause mitigate against those already unable to afford a home? The following random statistics should clear everything up:

Those taking up the available quota of unaffordable housing

4 X 4 drivers: 78%
Builders buying up the houses to make them look even more unaffordable: 19%
Fridge magnates: 32%
Culchies: N/A - they all pretend to be 'from' some part of Dublin that you've vaguely heard of, used to be a sleepy hamlet, but now has so many people living there that it's falling into the sea
, etc.




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